In the public schools of the Flemish towns Lille and Herentals is taught according to the educational principles of Célestin Freinet. For a long time, the schools have been housed in temporary pavilions with little comfort but plenty of space and possibilities. The purpose of the new building was to achieve a similar excess, and the most direct possible relationship with the surrounding nature.
The classes are housed in simple agrarian-looking buildings that fitin the surrounding garden and woodland. The 'corridor' is designed as a wide and high greenhouse, which is located along the north facade of the school building. Door de serre buiten de fysische normering te houden werd de gehele officieel beschikbare ruimte toebedeeld aan de lokalen. The greenhouseis used as a covered playground, classroom, porch, shed and for growing plants.
This project is published in Flanders Architectural Review N°12: Tailored Architecture. The text was submitted to us by the architects.
Heesveld 9
2200 Herentals