De Smet Vermeulen architects built the IGLO children’s day-care centre on one of the development plots. Together with the other buildings in this inner room, this centre is intended to bridge the scale difference between the high-rise buildings and the adjoining garden district. The architects devoted particular attention to the roof landscape, since this is what is visible from the surrounding tower blocks. The roof of the IGLO day-care centre – a green roof planted with a variety of motifs – is an arch that spans the elongated building. At the highest point of the curve, the roof projects out over the public space. This shelter brings about a generous transition between public and private. The sloping and projecting roof means the activities of the day-care centre are closely integrated with the collective life of the street.
According to the principals, a children’s daycare centre must always be closed off from the street to prevent passers-by looking inside. In this design, however, this requirement is given an additional dimension. Each set of two rooms is arranged around a patio that, in turn, makes contact with the street.
Author: Katrien Embrechts ans Esther Jacobs. This text has been published in the Architecture Review Flanders N°11. Embedded Architecture.
Louis Paul Boonstraat 20
2050 Antwerpen ( Linkeroever)