
It is impossible to imagine architecture without colour. Every building and virtually all its components show colours that are lit up and extinguished in a changing play of light and shadow. Whether it concerns the processing of natural materials, the capture of light through coloured glass, the application of colour through paint or the creation of an atmosphere with marble, mosaic or tiles. Again and again, the visible result bears witness to artistic creativity and special expertise.

"Architectural archives help us to study the richness of colour in buildings. Together with the technical study of materials and the examination of samples, they provide us with the guarantee of a more accurate picture of the original appearance of a building over time."
‐ Dirk Laureys, collectiebeheerder

Collection Library

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Monday to Friday: from 9am to 5pm
Preferably by appointment
Weekends and Holidays: Closed
Closed: 25.12.2023-31.12.2023

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