
Waardering architectuurarchieven

What do we preserve, for whom and for what purposes? No one disputes the fact that archives are of great value to society, but all too often we fail to reflect sufficiently on this subject, we lose sight of aspects and old contextual information is lost.

With the project ‘Naar een blauwdruk voor een architectuurcollectie Vlaanderen’ (Towards a blueprint for an architecture collection in Flanders), the Flanders Architecture Institute (VAi) will focus for two years on the appraisal of architectural archives.

Waardering architectuurarchieven

What is appraising?

Heritage care requires strategic investments and decisions on a daily basis: about conservation and management, research, public outreach and participation. A well-considered appraisal policy is indispensable in all aspects of heritage management.

Appraising heritage is about more than just deciding what to preserve and what not. It is about discovering the meanings that lie behind an archive or collection and making them explicit. Not only can this enable you to find out whether something is valuable and worth preserving, but you can also learn where there are opportunities for exhibitions, digitization projects, research projects and so on. Appraising is also about involving people in your collection. You don’t do it alone. By thinking about archives together with other groups, you get to know heritage from different angles and achieve a balanced appraisal.

With this project, the VAi wants to build up expertise on the systematic appraisal of architectural archives.

This project is supported by a subsidy from the Flemish Community. For the development and implementation of our methodologies, we base ourselves on the Basic standards for a quality appraisal project, drawn up within the Flemish heritage sector.

De pilootprojecten waarderen van 2017-2018

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