You are a qualifiedarchitect/designer/urban planner/interior architect and/or have demonstrableknowledge/experience of the architecture sector and architecture culture inFlanders and Brussels.
You are alwaysalert to new developments in the architecture debate and you can map them out.
You have strongorganizational skills, draw up your own schedule and carry it out in aresult-oriented way.
You can prepare aproject budget and communicate it.
You write fluentlyand independently, and you can edit texts so as to make them public-friendly.
You can expressyourself properly in Dutch and English both orally and in writing.Multilingualism is a plus.
You are an explicit team player, you are able to deal with stress in a healthy way and you areflexible.
You have a highlydeveloped sense of responsibility.
You can present atleast 3 years of professional experience in a relevant work context.