
To imagine Otherwise: Future Archives: The Urgency of Feminist Standpoint Appraisal

11 February 2022
via Zoom

Dr. Michelle Caswell (University of California Los Angeles) researches the ways that independent, identity-based memory organizations document, shape, and provide access to the histories of minoritized communities. On 11 February she hosts a lecture via Zoom in de webinar series To Imagine Otherwise: Future Archives.

Watch the lecture of Michelle Caswell

Dr. Michelle Caswell is an Associate Professor of Archival Studies in the Department of Information Studies at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Caswell directs a team of students at UCLA’s Community Archives Lab (https://communityarchiveslab.ucla.edu/), which explores the ways that independent, identity-based memory organizations document, shape, and provide access to the histories of minoritized communities, with a particular emphasis on understanding their affective, political, and artistic impact. In 2008, together with Samip Mallick, Caswell co-founded the South Asian American Digital Archive (http://www.saada.org), an online repository that documents and provides access to the stories of South Asian Americans. She is the author of the books Urgent Archives: Enacting Liberatory Memory Work (Routledge Press, 2021) and Archiving the Unspeakable: Silence, Memory and the Photographic Record in Cambodia (University of Wisconsin Press, 2014), as well as more than 40 peer-reviewed articles in critical archival studies.


  • DATE:


  • TIME:

    3pm until 4.30pm


    via Zoom



To imagine otherwise: future archives is an initiative of VAi, CEMPER, Letterenhuis, M HKA/CKV, in collaboration with FARO and meemoo.