The exhibition “Unausgesprochenes Wissen/Unspoken Knowledge/Le (savoir) non-dit”, which will run in parallel with the conference “Tacit Knowledge in Architecture”, will explore the tacit dimension in architecture culture through a series of objects, artifacts and installations. From sets of references to augmented VR performance, from physical models to enacted collective practices, this exhibition will display a wide range of objects presented by scholars and architecture practices from across the world, from Japan to Spain, and from Belgium to Australia.
Tacit knowledge is a key characteristic of architecture culture. It plays a central role in the conception, design, construction and appropriation of buildings and cities. It characterizes architectural education, distinguishes the cultures of design offices and typifies the collaborations between different actors, including craftsmen, engineers and architects.
Despite this central role that tacit knowledge assumes in architecture culture, our understanding of it remains limited. Research into tacit architectural knowledge has only recently gained momentum and its specificities still need further exploration. Questions as: What are the roles of tacit knowledge in architecture culture?, How does it complement other forms of knowledge?, and how does it construct cooperative communities across disciplines? still await more nuanced answers.
Contributions from Flanders:
Nadi Abusaada, ETH Zürich, & Wesam Al Asali, IE University
Alba Balmaseda Domínguez, Kyra Bullert & Špela Setzen, University of Stuttgart
Sarah Becchio & Paolo Borghino, ErranteArchitetture
Francesca Berni, POLIMI
Verena Brehm, Cityförster
Irina Davidovici & Ziu Bruckmann, ETH Zürich
Adam Caruso, Caruso St John Architects
Filippo Cattapan, BUW
Sofie de Caigny & Tine Poot, Vlaams Architectuur Instituut
Maria Conen, Conen Sigl Architekt:innen, Zürich
Nicole de Lalouvière, ETH Zürich
Nathalie de Vries, MVRDV Architects
An Fonteyne, noAarchitecten
Irmgard Frank, Institute of Spatial design, TU Graz,
Annette Gigon & Mike Guyer, Gigon/Guyer Architects
Holger Hoffmann, one fine day
Anne Holtrop, Studio Anne Holtrop
Johanna Just, ETH Zürich
Momoyo Kaijima, Atelier Bow-Wow
Katharina Kasinger
Joris Kerremans & Hong Wan Chan, Ghent University
Angelo Lunati & Giancarlo Floridi, Onsitestudio
Elli Mosayebi, Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin Architekten & Fabian Bircher
Samantha Ong & Ariel Bintang, Yale School of Architecture
Monika Platzer, Architekturzentrum Wien
Elena Perez Guembe, TU Delft
Samuel H. Ramirez
Martin Rösch & Nicola Graf, ETH Zürich
Klas Ruin & Ola Broms Wessel, SPRIDD
Eva Sommeregger, ABKW
Sofie Stilling, University of Copenhagen
Paula Strunden, ABKW
Mara Trübenbach, AHO
U5 Collective, ETH Zürich
Dirk van den Heuvel, Nieuwe Instituut
Dick van Gameren, TU Delft
Paul Vermeulen, De Smet Vermeulen architecten
Inge Vinck & Jan De Vlyder, AJDVIV
Martina Voser, mavo Landschaften
Maxime Zaugg, ETH Zürich
“Infra-thin Magick: An Extended Reality (XR) Ceremony”, by Paula Strunden: book your immersive virtual experience here!
19 to 21.06.2023
Monday 19, from 14:00 to 20:30
Tuesday 20, from 9:00 to 19:00
Wednesday 21, from 9:00 to 19:00
ETH Zurich
ArchENA, HIL D57.1
ETH Hönggerberg
8049 Zürich
Free entrance
Wheelchair accessible