
Open Plan Open Decision ⁄Hypercollective & Participatory

On 28 June The Chair of Housing and Design at RWTH Aachen University organizes a discussion and exchange of experiences on collective design, authorship, participatory planning tools, and contemporary processes in architecture as part of a joint research project with the housing cooperative KOOPERATIVE GROSSSTADT eG. Among others Belgian architect Jan De Vylder will join the talk.

OP-OD method

The point of departure and the subject of the discussion is the OP-OD method, which has been used for the first time in the metso 'metso building project in Munich. It combines aspects of real-time participation with open architectural processes. The housing cooperative KOOPERATIVE GROSSSTADT eG has developed the OP-OD method based on its practical experience with the open competition procedures for San Riemo and Freihampton. The acronym stands for Open Plan Open Decision. Similar to open source applications in other disciplines, it aims to enable collective planning and authorship by all project participants, including users, to deliver more efficient and sustainable building designs.

Verena von Beckerath, Anne-Julchen Bernhardt, Christian Inderbitzin and Jan de Vylder have intensively accompanied the first two open competitions of the cooperative as jurors and have also viewed them very critically in some cases. At the same time, they draw on their own practice and teaching from a variety of collective design processes and specific design methods of their own. The spectrum of the four interlocutors ranges from self-developed plan (board) games and collective intensive workshops to in-depth analyses of the everyday life of residents, simultaneous heterogeneous design tasks and scales, the performative dancing of walls, to drawing and communicating with spreadsheet programs.