Juliaan Lampens

Press release
Juliaan Lampens, ontwerp voor een onthaalcentrum voor toeristen in Blankenberge, detail van een deuraansluiting, horizontale doorsnede, 1971-1972 (© Juliaan Lampens)

Juliaan Lampens and the architectural detail

For the second edition of Unfolding the Archives, the Flanders Architecture Institute draws on the oeuvre of Juliaan Lampens (1926-2019). Based on a selection of unique archive pieces, the exhibition offers an unprecedented insight into this architect’s working method. To accompany the exhibition, the catalogue Juliaan Lampens. 1950-1991 which was compiled for the architect’s retrospective exhibition in 1991 is being reissued.

(from 14.10.2020 to 10.01.2021 | Flanders Architecture Institute in deSingel, Antwerp)

"Above all, I would like to make beautiful drawings"
‐ Juliaan Lampens

The Architectural Detail

The selection of drawings illustrates Lampens’ fascination with architectural detail. This plays a pivotal role throughout his oeuvre. Design sketches, exploratory drawings and architectural plans reveal how the development of the detail has a vital impact on the creative process of his architecture, from embryonic idea to completion.

"Lampens followed his own principles, his own architectural method, without any concern to become famous. This resulted in a very personal architecture"
‐ Jo Taillieu, architect-curator

Unfolding the Archives #2 Juliaan Lampens

Flanders Architecture Institute and deSingel

Jo Taillieu, VZW Juliaan Lampens (Jo Van Den Berghe, Luc De Vos, Koen Dekeyser, Franck Velghe, Dieter Lampens) and Daan Dufait

Flanders Architecture Institute
Expo deSingel
(Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerp)
from 14.10.2020 to 10.01.2021
open Wed → Sun / 2 → 7pm and during evening performances until 10pm
closed on Mon & Tue
Registration is required

12.11.2020 at 8pm
Blauwe Zaal, deSingel
Register here

Juliaan Lampens 1950-1991

Original edition 1991:
Authors: Juliaan Lampens, Gerard Vandenhaute, Paul Vermeulen Fotografie: Walter De Mulder, Koen De Keyser, Joan Devolder, Luc De Vos, Roger Laute, Pierre Noël Translation: Michael Warries (EN), Monique Nagielkopf (FR) Graphic design: Gert Audenaert, Juliaan Lampens, Koen Dekeyser Publisher: Kunstencentrum deSingel

New revised and enlarged edition:

Additional translations and final editing: Helen Simpson (EN), Maxime Schouppe (FR), Biesbrouck (NL) Graphic design: We Became Aware - Tomas Lootens, Valentijn Goethals, Louis Desmet Publisher: Vlaams Architectuurinstituut Facilitated by the non-profitorganisation vzw Juliaan Lampens (Jo Van Den Berghe, Luc De Vos, Koen Dekeyser, Franck Velghe, Dieter Lampens) and Daan Dufait.


Press Contact

Egon Verleye
Press & Communication Officer
Flanders Architecture Institute
T +32 (0)3 242 89 73
E egon.verleye@vai.be