In the exhibition Urban Nature, design offices 1010, Fallow and Grue focus on the past, present and future of nature in architectural production. They show how Léon Stynen and Paul De Meyer, the architects of De Singel, looked at the building in relation to the landscape. How does nature conquer its place in and around the building today? What relationships between artificial and natural life can we expect in the future?
1010, Fallow and Grue are each in their own way interested in creating a new alliance with nature, the 'living matter' of our cities. In their daily practices, they see insufficient ambition among public clients to design and build in a nature-inclusive way. They rarely start from the perspective that it is only humans who define the ecosystem. The architects want to give the subject more visibility with their project in De Singel. Poetic observations and conversations with all types of site users form the basis. To carry out their research, 1010, Fallow and Grue join forces with all various professionals, including botanists, artists, garden maintainers.
On 14 November, we will open the BWMSTR Label 028 Urban Nature exhibition at DE SINGEL. During a panel discussion, the architects will explain their research and the exhibition.
on socio-ecological approaches to urbanism
Audio recording opening night
Listen to the audio recording of the opening night.(language: English) During the recording, watch ambience images of the evening programme.
On 20 February, the Flanders Architecture Institute and Archipel invite renowned urban planner Matthew Gandy for a double lecture together with the three offices behind the exhibition Urban Nature: 1010 architecture urbanism, Fallow and Grue.
What is urban nature? And what can it be? Through sidetracks within the architectural discourse, this double lecture explores other design methods, other insights and examples that fundamentally question the mainstream from an urban ecology, inclusion, young people, birds, temporality... point of view.
Audio recording double lecture
Listen to the audio recording of the double lecture.(language: English) During the recording, watch ambience images of the evening programme.
Urban Nature is one of the research projects that received the Bouwmeester Label (BWMSTR Label) from the Flemish Government Architect and the Flanders Architecture Institute in 2022. The BWMSTR Label wants to pick up innovative and policy-relevant ideas from research and design practice, and thus support unsolicited research in its early stages.
14.11.2023 - 17.03.2023
DE SINGEL, entrance hall
Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerp
free, no reservation necessary
There are spaces reserved for wheelchair users in all halls of DE SINGEL. Please contact us in advance at so that we can reserve a space for you. You can use an elevator to reach the halls. Enter through the main entrance of DE SINGEL and make your way down the ramp to the left of the stairs to take the lift. Read more about the accessibility