
Construction, at what cost?

Earth brick workshop for Edegem © Thomas Noceto
21 March 2023
Globe Aroma, Brussels

Flanders Architecture Institute (VAi) is organising a workshops series and lecture with a pop-up exhibition Intersections: Invisible in Architecture. The first workshop in this series is about the social and environmental costs of construction, (migrant) labour conditions and extraction practices. Moderated by Ken De Cooman (BC Architects & Studies) the workshop will take place in Globe Aroma, Brussels on 21 March 2023, at 18.30.

Ken De Cooman is co-founder of BC Architects & Studies and BC Materials. With these companies, BC starts from architecture, over research and expertise and experiment, towards material production and contracting. As a hybrid office, BC is manoeuvring the boundaries of all these disciplines in a doers manner. Ken De Cooman holds a master's in philosophy and architecture and is a candidate in psychology. He has published reflections in OASE and Domus; has (guest) taught at KULeuven, ULB-LaCambre, ETH Zurich and the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City development.

See also

Workshop 24.04.2023 Repositioning architecture culture from the margins

Workshop 02.05.2023 Precarious work in architecture

Pop-up exhibition 17.05-02.07 2023 Intersections: Invisible in Architecture


We ask all the workshop participants to send in a copyright free image when registering to the event. This can be a photo taken by you, a note, a found image. The flow of the workshops will be organised around these images. We hope they will evoke our visual imagination and encourage people to share their thoughts.

Our gatherings will take place in the safe space of Globe Aroma where people are free to express or not express themselves in the way they choose. The language will be determined by the participants, when necessary, we believe whisper translations will happen voluntarily. We foresee a maximum of 60 people joining each workshop, hopefully, some of whom join more than one session. Participation in the workshops is free and we will share food and drinks during the workshops.

In collaboration with illustrator Aya Akbib, the discussions will be visually narrated, respecting anonymity and authorship. The visual narrations together with the image galleries collectively built up throughout the workshops will be exhibited in De Singel from 17 May till 02 July 2023.

Register below

Beeld / Image

We vragen de participanten van de workshop om een rechtenvrije afbeelding te uploaden bij het registeren. Dit kan een foto zijn, een nota, een eigen beeld,... Zet je eigen naam en credits in de bestandsnaam.

We ask all the workshop participants to send in a copyright free image when registering to the event. This can be a photo taken by you, a note, a found image.Please put your own name and credits in the filename.
max.16 MB, toegelaten bestandsformaten: .jpg en .png.
Door je in te schrijven voor deze activiteit, geef je het Vlaams Architectuurinstituut de toestemming om jouw persoonsgegevens te verwerken met oog op de organisatie en evaluatie van deze activiteit. De persoonsgegevens worden niet gedeeld met derden.
By registering for this activity, you authorize the Flanders Architecture Institute and to process your personal data in order to organize and evaluate this activity. Personal data will not be shared with third parties.


  • DATE:


  • HOUR:



    Globe Aroma


    Moutstraat 26, 1000 Brussels


    free, but registration is necessary


    Vlaams Architectuurinstituut