To conclude the public program of 40 years of competition, the Flanders Architecture Institute and the team of the Flemish Government Architect are organizing a debate on the Flemish competition climate in a European context. International experts will discuss competition culture, architectural quality and public commissioning in Europe.
On 25 March we will take a closer look at some procedures and competitions in Europe that strive for quality. Designers Klaas De Rycke (Bollinger+Grohmann) and Mechthild Stuhlmacher (Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architecten) share their extensive experience with various competition procedures in Europe. Jan Silberberger (ETH Zurich) responds to the double exhibition and the accompanying collection of essays, based on his expertise in and research of architectural competitions in a European perspective. Are past and current challenges in our country in line with developments elsewhere in Europe? What are exemplary European procedures and what are their critical failure and success factors?
Each of the three speakers will give a short lecture and then debate with the Flemish Government Architect Erik Wieërs. The evening will be moderated by Stefan Devoldere, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Art, Hasselt University.
Language: English
The exhibition Coming of Age presents an overview of the most sensational architectural competitions in Flanders and Brussels in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. Through original documents and objects, both from our own collection and from the archives of participating architects, organisers and other involved parties, you’ll discover the story behind a number of striking architectural competitions.
more about the exhibitionIn 2019, The Flemish Govermental Master Buildership exists for twenty years. To celebrate this anniversary, the Flemish Government Architect organizes a travelling exhibition about its most known working method for public commissions: the Open Call. After presentations in Ghent, Brussels, Hasselt and Kortrijk, the Flemish Architecture Institute is bringing the exhibition to de Singel in a reworked and extended edition.
more about the exhibitionCurious what else we have in store for 40 years of competition? Check our project page for the latest updates.
more about this project25.03.2022
free, but you need to register
De Singel
Desguinlei 25
2018 Antwerp (BE)