
Who cares?

We are interested in hearing from you about what care means in your daily - personal and professional- life and what role you see for design(ers) in taking care of the world around us.

Join the conversation!

Who cares?

Who cares? Who should take care, and who should be cared for, when we shape our (built) environment?

We invite you to share your thoughts by writing a note or sending us a picture or a drawing. Your contribution(s) will become part of this Gallery, thus forming the digital counterpart of the Care for Space for Care exhibition. It will feed new conversations around this topic of care.

Share your thoughts by filling in the form.

Schrijf hieronder jouw antwoord/ Write your answer
Optioneel - Upload een foto of een schets. Optional - Upload a picture or a drawing
Deze wordt niet gepubliceerd. Jouw emailadres wordt enkel gebruikt om een confirmatiemail te sturen. This will not be published. Your email address is only used to send you a confirmation mail.
Door je antwoord in te sturen, geef je het Vlaams Architectuurinstituut en deSingel de toestemming om jouw persoonsgegevens te verwerken met oog op de publicatie van jouw antwoord in de digitale galerij van de Care for Space-tentoonstelling. De persoonsgegevens worden niet gedeeld met derden.
By registering for this activity, you authorize the Flanders Architecture Institute and deSingel to process your personal data in order to publish your answer in the digital gallery of the Care for Space exhibition. Personal data will not be shared with third parties.

Your contribution will be published in the digital Gallery and thus become part of the exhibition Care for Space for Care. Scenes from Flanders and Brussels.

A printed set of these cards are to be found in the exhibition hall. Visitors of the exhibition can leave the card in the letterbox in the exhibition hall. These contributions will be displayed in the exhibition tables as well as added to this digital Gallery, thus becoming part of the exhibition Care for Space for Care. Scenes of Flanders and Brussels.