Press release
RE-PRACTICE RE-VISIT RE-TURN, architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, 2020, © Filip Dujardin

In the exhibition RE-PRACTICE RE-VISIT RE-TURN architecten de vylder vinck taillieu explore for the first time how architecture from Flanders fits into a different context.

Architecture from Flanders through the eyes of Tokyo and London

architecten de vylder vinck taillieu are welcome guests at deSingel. After a striking visit in 2011, numerous international stopovers and a Silver Lion in Venice, they have once again settled back in Antwerp. The Flanders Architecture Institute invited them to create a follow-up to their exhibition at the TOTO Gallery MA in Tokyo (2019). They turned it into more than just a sequel. Jan De Vylder: ‘With RE-PRACTICE RE-VISIT RE-TURN we call into question the concept of the architectural exhibition.’

(from 21.02.2020 to 14.06.2020 | Flanders Architecture Institute at deSingel)

"How do other cultures view architecture from Flanders? And what can we learn from this? That is the essence of this exhibition"
‐ Inge Vinck, architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
"RE-PRACTICE RE-VISIT RE-TURN does not exhibit, but instead raises questions that encourage you to think differently about architecture"
‐ Jo Taillieu, architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
"Architectural exhibitions are often boring. They are usually about pure representation of architecture. In this sense, RE-PRACTICE RE-VISIT RE-TURN is atypical. The research question and the process play a central role"
‐ Jan De Vylder, architecten de vylder vinck taillieu


Flanders Architecture Institute, deSingel and Cooperation: TOTO GALLERY・MA

architecten de vylder vinck taillieu

Flanders Architecture Institute
Expo deSingel
(Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerp)
from 21.02.2020 to 14.06.2020
open wo → zo / 2→ 6 pm and during evening performances until 10 pm
closed on Monday/Tuesday
free entrance

20.02.2020 at 8 pm
Register here

Press Contact

Egon Verleye
Press & Communication Officer
Flanders Architecture Institute
T +32 (0)3 242 89 73