There’s an inconspicuous monument in the shadow of the Bourla Theatre in Antwerp: it’s called the Schermenhuis. For years it was used as a scenery store. The Toneelhuis theatre company, which uses the Bourla Theatre, needed office space more than a depot. What is so clever about the intervention by De Vylder and his team is that he literally drives the ghost of the compartments out of the scenery workshop by composing strategic transverse and diagonal vistas. Where necessary, he has light wooden floors laid between the existing walls. But the spirit of the original building continues to hold its own, because every new change stands out in sharp contrast through the use of bright red or a layer of wallpaper.
studiebureau stabiliteit: UTIL Struktuurstudies cvba, studiebureau technieken: RCR studiebureau cvba
algemene aannemer: Levanto, aannemer dakwerken: Ducla bvba, aannemer schrijnwerk: WYCOR nv, aannemer elektriciteit: Electro Tendelo bvba, aannemer verwarming en sanitair: Thermofox nv