
As Found: International colloquium on adaptive reuse

Registraties zijn open

Van 5 tot 7 september 2023 organiseren het Vlaams Architectuurinstituut en de Universiteit Hasselt het colloquium As Found: Experiments in Preservation. Het colloquium richt zich op ontwerpers, onderzoekers en studenten met een focus op concepten en praktijken die ingrijpen in de bestaande gebouwde omgeving, oftewel 'as found architecture'.

Tot 10 juli kan je tegen een early-bird verlaagd tarief registreren.

1 | Architectural Experiments to Intervene in the As Found

This session explores experimental spatial strategies for existing buildings.
Architects are increasingly interested in adaptive reuse, challenging traditional conservation principles.
We will address questions such as the relationship between interior and exterior, the meaning of emptiness, and the role of removal in preserving heritage. We seek new approaches to question conventional practices and present a range of experiments.

2 | Translating the As Found: Narratives and Meaning

    Remodelling historical sites changes initial meanings and introduces new narratives. Architects seek to enter into a dialogue with the past on formal and conceptual grounds. Are architects like translators who transfer the meaning from an existing structure into a new one?
    However, dealing with ambiguous or controversial histories and immaterial heritage raises questions. How do we document and secure immaterial dimensions, and whose values are taken care of?

    3 | As Used: Sustaining the Existing Use

      Historical buildings are affordable and flexible but lose affordability and current uses during transformation. How can we develop adaptive reuse strategies to keep current functions and local community value?
      This session explores all forms of existing use, including resistance and formal involvement in planning. Presentations can also explore developer perspectives to understand why existing programs rarely survive and examine needed incentives for change.

      4 | Education for Reuse - Reuse for Education

        This session explores how architectural education has embraced notions of reuse and sustainability, seeking contributions through case studies.
        Authors are invited to critically analyze pedagogical tools and methods for reading the built environment and consider how adaptive reuse can meet increasing demands for educational spaces. They can also examine how existing frameworks and structures impact curriculum formation and educational processes.


        The opening event (5 September 2023) of the colloquium will take place in DE SINGEL in Antwerp, at the location of the Flanders Architectural Institute (VAi). This event will include a visit to the exhibition As Found and a opening lecture by Anne Lacaton.

        The following two days (6 & 7 September 2023) will take place in Hasselt, in a former prison that has been converted for the faculty of law of Hasselt University.


        Click here for the registration form!

        Early Bird Registration: 150€ (after 10 July: 205€)

        For students, alumni UHasselt and staff of UH partners in VLIR-UOS countries: 75€ (after 10 July 105€).

        Uiterste datum van registratie is 27 augustus 2023.



          05.09.2023 - 07.09.2023


          Lecture by Anne Lacaton
          20:00u DE SINGEL
          Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerp

          Get instructions how to get there

        • COLLOQUIUM:

          06.09 & 07.09.2023
          As Found: Experiments in Preservation
          Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt

          Get instructions how to get there


          06.09.2023 - 16:30h
          'As found 02: Towards Sustainable Design Futures' by Markus Berger, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (USA)

          07.09.2023 - 09.00h
          'Re-thinking Preservation; the Shoemaker and the Cobbler' by Thordis Arrhenius, School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)

        • TICKETS:

          Early Bird Registration: 150€
          After 10 July: 205€
          For students, alumni UHasselt and staff of UH partners in VLIR-UOS countries: 75€
          After 10 July 105€
          Click here for the registration form!

          Uiterste datum van registratie is 27 augustus 2023.

        • EXHIBITION:

          As Found
          DE SINGEL, Antwerp

        • CONTACT:

          Prof. Markus Berger, Rhode Island School of Design
          Stijn Cools, aNNo Architecten & KULeuven
          Dr. Elke Couchez, Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Hasselt University
          Prof. Dr. Sofie De Caigny, Flanders Architecture Institute & UAntwerp
          Prof. Stefan Devoldere, Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Hasselt University
          Hülya Ertas, Flanders Architecture Institute & KU Leuven
          Prof. Dr. Christoph Grafe, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
          Prof. Dr. Bie Plevoets, Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Hasselt University
          Prof. Dr. Even Smith Wergeland, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
          Prof. Sally Stone, Manchester School of Architecture
          Prof. Dr. Wouter Van Acker, Université Libre de Bruxelles
          Prof. Dr. Koenraad Van Cleempoel, Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Hasselt University
          Prof. Dr. Stephanie Van de Voorde, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
          Karina Van Herck, Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed


          Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Hasselt University

          Nadin Augustiniok
          Peter Firman

          Christel Heynickx
          Dr. Inge Lens
          Prof. Dr. Bie Plevoets
          Nusrat Ritu
          Prof. Dr. Koenraad Van Cleempoel

          Flanders Architecture Institute

          Sofie De Caigny, Flanders Architecture Institute & UAntwerp
          Hülya Ertas, Flanders Architecture Institute & KU Leuven

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